Cops, Cars and Cruisers - 2025

2110 N. Molter Rd., Liberty Lake, WA
September 13, 2025 (9am - 3pm)

Page Last Updated On: October 1, 2024

About Our Event

The Cops, Cars & Cruisers is a one-of-a-kind event that is designed to involve the community, in a laid back, family and fun atmosphere.
Along with it being our annual police community outreach event, it also desgined to have the proceeds benefit Special Olympics.
There is no expectation of you to pay a registration fee or donate to our fund raising efforts, but there is an expectation
for you to enjoy the event and support our cause as best you can!

What To Expect At The Event

Expect a good time! Expect to meet some wonderful people who share your same interests in cars and community in a great
family oriented atmosphere! Expect a relaxed event with a variety of great vehicles of all type, a community oriented display area where
local organizations that cater to the local communities will display and provide information on their services, food vendors and a craft fair
which will showcase local arts and crafts. There will be various car clubs represented. In 2024 we had members of The Pharoahs Car Club of Spokane,
The Gents, The Dirty Bombs, The River City Dodge Challengers, RHD (Right Hand Drive) club and others. Various events and activities will be
scheduled throughout the day including the arrival and departure of the Spokane Sheriff's air unit.

When The Gates Open

Participants in our Community Display area, such as food vendors, craft fair participants, informational booths, etc., will set up between 7am and 8am.
At 8:00 am, entry into the car show parking area will begin. Other than for the pre-approved workers and volunteers, and their respective clubs
as applicable, no early or reserved parking will be allowed! You will be greeted by several friendly parking volunteers who will provide you with basic
parking directions and instructions, while our DJ fills the air with some great music. You may be greeted by other volunteer parking specialists who
will assist you with parking. Please follow their parking instructions. Whether you pre-registered or not, we request that you proceed to the registration
table as soon as possible to complete your registration process. Parking specialists will only be parking vehicles until 10:30. Registration closes at 11am.
If your vehicle is not in place by 10:30, it may not be judged.

A friendly and knowledgeable registration team will process your registration form with an entry #, collect your registration fee and any additional donation
you would like to make, and assign you a voting class based on your choice. You will also receive a voting card and your show
card to be place visibly on the driver's side. At this point you are ready to set up your display, mingle and meet others, and find some time to sit in your easy
chair to enjoy the event. If you have pre-registered as a car club, the designated club representive will be provided an additional show card to indicate being
in the club car competition. Contact John at or for more details on the club competition.

A special note for participants. We will be making parking arrangements for participants that might need special physical accomodations.
Please be sure to specify your needs on your registration form. Participants in this category should pre-register to ensure space will be available.

Registering For The Car Show

You can pre-register online or register the day off the event, on site. Early registering for the event allows us to better plan our event and site layout,
but it is not required. Additionally, pre-registering saves you some time on event day. Check out our Early Registration page at
Early Registration for the Cops, Cars & Cruisers event. The first 100 who pre-register will be entered in a pre-registration drawing.
You must be present at the event to win.


Our event kicks off at 9:00am with our DJ greeting participants with some great music! We anticipate our event to end by 3:00pm but not later
than 3:30pm. There are several events scheduled throughout the day. Check out our Facebook page at Cops, Cars & Cruisers
to view and download the event schedule when it is available.

After The Event

We ask that everyone look around their area for any trash or unwanted materials to get rid of before pulling out of your spot. An announcement
on the evening cruise location and time will be made during the awards ceremony. You must be registered and have an entry ticket to participate at the track.

Event Updates

This page, along with the event Facebook page will be updated frequently. Please check back often to view any event and schedule updates.

Donating to our fund raising efforts via our Cops, Cars & Cruisers event

If you are not participating in our event but would like to make a donation to Special Olympics, contact
John Bujosa
for more information.



Maintained by The Emergency Vehicle Owners & Operators Association, Inc.
© 1996, 2024 Emergency Vehicle Owners & Operators Association, Inc. - All rights reserved.